Coaching Can Alter the Way You Experience Your Life

Here are some frequently asked questions:

How many sessions do you recommend I get coaching for?

The recommended amount to see any real change is six sessions. Effective progress is based purely on how much responsibility and accountability you undertake over the course of the sessions. The actions you take between the sessions is what allows for transformation to take place.

How do I know I am ready for coaching?

Coaching is not for everyone, some people want coaching, however they are not exactly ready for it and that is okay. During our initial consultation, we can discuss if you are ready to take the next step and take your life to the next level

Here are some of the circumstances some people get professional coaching for, if you are:

  • stuck in a rut, feel confused or lost either personally or professionally.
  • at an intersection in life either personally or professionally.
  • suffering from any current unpleasant situations which you feel are holding you back.
  • facing a particular issue that you would like to overcome.
  • ready to take your life to the next level.
  • at a stage of your life where you know you want more from your life.

How is Life Coaching different from counselling?

Life Coaching focuses on the major challenges you are dealing with currently and guides you to find your own answers to overcome them. We will look at behaviours or habits that you may have developed during childhood, however, we will not examine them in great detail as a counsellor or a psychologist would during their session. Guidance and support are given during all sessions, however, is up to the client to practice the tools and strategies suggested to make any changes in their life. It is not your Life Coaches role to fix your life. Coaches ask the questions and clients give the answers.  See my “Coaching” page for further detail about what a Life Coach provides you.

What if I change my mind after we start?

At any point during our coaching sessions, after discussing any issues you are facing, if you are certain coaching is not working for you we can end the sessions.

What will my sessions be like?

At the beginning of our coaching sessions, you will be asked to set an intention of what outcome you would like to achieve. You set intention will guide us as we unravel any underlying issues or obstacles that might come up. You will be asked questions based on your current situation, and the more honest and open you are during a session the more you will get out of it each session. Remember I create each session as a safe place which is non-judgmental with mutual respect. See “The Sessions” page for further detail.

What ethical standards do you have?

My Life Coaching is based on integrity, authenticity, mutual respect and on the International Coach Federation’s Code of Ethics.


If your questions haven’t been answered here feel free to send me an email with your name, contact number and question to info@curiousoz.com. I will respond to your email within 24 hours.