
What is a Coach and Why Have One?

People from all walks of life have used the services of a life coach and have benefitted greatly from the skills of one. Life Coaching is not counseling or therapy, a coaches main focus is not on the childhood or past experiences which may be the root of the way a person lives or feels. Instead, they help their clients get clear about what they want in the future, why they want it and how they are going to make it happen.  Life Coaches don’t fix your life or write any sort of prescription, as your life coach my role is to facilitate a shift within you.


A Life Coach:

Empowers, Inspires & Motivates: Life Coaches are very similar to personal trainers the only difference is that they help you reach your life goals by empowering you. This means that as your Life Coach my number one intention is to motivate, inspire and empower you to reach the goals that you have set for yourself.

Aids in Discovery:  Life Coaches help you strategize by asking the most important questions that will forward your life and keep you focused towards your goals. As a coach, I love asking the questions which will help evoke discovery, insight, commitments, and actions that move you towards your goals. This can be a thought-provoking process.

Listens:  As your Life Coach, I will listen to you and validate your needs. I will work with you to facilitate clarity of direction and self-discovery.  I will assist you to get clear about what is in the way and asks what’s possible in this area.  I see you as my partner and will invite you to take actions which fulfill your core needs.

Holds a Space for Accountability:  Your Life Coach holds you accountable, by keeping you accountable and present to your word and the promises that you have made to yourself.

Brings Clarity:  Your Life Coach brings clarity by asking you important questions for you to discover what is really important to you and your life.

What I love to do is empower you, inspire you and motivate you to unravel what is in your mind and supply you with the tools to do so.  Coaching needs to be desired by you for it to be effective and beneficial.  The conversations are two way and are Socratic in nature. The sessions are aimed at helping you to see new and alternative actions which may lead to your desired goal.

Creating A Balanced Life:

Do you know what makes you truly happy? Do you know what your values are? There are a lot of people have never thought about these and are rather surprised and puzzled by the questions. When you distinguish what you really care about and know clearly what fills your cup, this enables you to manage your time effectively as making the right choices for you and your life becomes easy. It becomes a joy as we can choose to invest our time, energy, money into the things that make us feel fulfilled and of course most importantly, spend it on ourselves.

Change Can Be Difficult:

Bringing about change to yourself and your life can be rather challenging. You may face resistance as you may feel like you are breaking up with a part of yourself. We may feel confronted with what is in front of us, we may feel like giving up therefore during your coaching sessions it is crucial to know your compelling reason why. Once we become aware and let go of unsupportive habits and patterns of behaviour, even when faced with uncertainty, you can rebuild a new relationship with yourself where self-love is present.

 You Matter the Most:

Do you know what your core needs are? Do you know how to fulfill your core needs? It is important to understand that you are your number one asset. When you begin to understand what truly motivates you, you will be able to tap into that and start making choices from your heart. When you are living the life you love, it can be seen, felt, heard and experienced by others who are important to you and your life.

If you are ready to take the actions needed to ENHANCE the quality of your life both personally and professionally, contact me with any questions you have about the services I offer.


Whatever you choose, the choice is YOURS!